ACCCE Praises Nominations to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

WASHINGTON— Earlier this week, the White House announced two nominations to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Neil Chatterjee and Rob Powelson.  The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) praised the decision to nominate these candidates.

“We commend the Trump Administration for taking a critical step to fill two vacancies at FERC, and we look forward to their timely confirmation.  FERC desperately needs a quorum so it can tackle a number of significant problems in the electricity markets,” said President and CEO of ACCCE, Paul Bailey. “Chatterjee and Powelson are well-qualified nominees.  Commissioner Powelson has served with distinction on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and as president of NARUC.  Neil Chatterjee is a thoughtful, experienced, and highly regarded energy advisor to the Senate Majority Leader,” said Bailey.  “Both candidates will bring needed strengths to FERC.”


The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity is a partnership of industries involved in producing electricity from coal.  Coal, an affordable and reliable energy resource, provides one-third of our nation’s electricity.